What is Last Chance Alliance?
Our Vision
California must remove oil and gas wells from our neighborhoods and cities — replacing toxic fossil fuel pollution with clean air, clean water, and clean energy.
Our organizations are working towards a future where…
Every child grows up with clean, healthy air — free from fossil fuel pollution.
Every community has gardens and green space instead of oil wells.
Every worker can support their families with safe, healthy jobs that provide them with all the resources they need to thrive.
California oil production is in its final chapter, but the fossil fuel industry is leaving a legacy of destruction in its wake. With oil extraction down by over 70% from its peak, our reserves are nearly depleted, and the industry is turning to increasingly extreme and climate-polluting techniques to extract every last drop. But that’s not the worst of it—Big Oil is actively covering up the damage they’ve caused–lying about the climate and environmental harms while leaving their aging, unprofitable, leaking oil wells behind for tax payers to clean up.
Our state stands at the forefront of this crisis, which will soon sweep the nation. California has the unique opportunity to flip the script by holding oil companies accountable for their pollution. The good news is, we can create tens of thousands of family-sustaining jobs in cleanup as our state works toward a future beyond fossil fuels. Our organizations believe that California can lead the charge in creating a cleaner, safer future for all by making polluters pay to clean up their toxic mess.
Our alliance of public health, environmental justice, climate, and labor organizations came together around a shared vision for a fossil-free California:
Halt oil and gas permitting
End neighborhood drilling
Transition rapidly and equitably, with polluters paying to clean up their mess
Since members of our alliance began their work, California oil permitting has dropped drastically, our state now has the largest health and safety buffer in the nation to remove toxic oil wells from neighborhoods, and state leaders have begun holding polluters accountable for the mess they have created.
Our Core Alliance Members
Last Chance Alliance is an alliance of more than 900 public health, environmental justice, climate, and labor organizations.

Land Acknowledgement
We recognize that we work on the stolen land of more than 100 Indigenous tribes who have lived in so-called California since time immemorial.
Part of our commitment to decolonizing ourselves, our language, and our organizations must include a commitment to learning and better understanding the history of Indigenous Peoples across California and beyond, including the history of contact, colonization and the extraction of resources from Indigenous lands which has been part of the continuation of modern colonization.
As people who come together to work for justice and to fight for and alongside those most impacted by extractive industries and the colonial and capitalistic institutions that support them, we acknowledge the role we all must play — as most of us here are uninvited guests who never left — in respecting Indigenous knowledge and following the leadership of Indigenous Peoples in healing the land, in supporting the return of as much of it as possible to its rightful owners, and in creating a new and more just future.