Countdown to COP26 Kicks Off On Capitol Steps
Sacramento, CA—Today, environment and public health advocates will unite to bring the climate crisis to the steps of the Capitol Building in Sacramento with a visually-driven demonstration. The $15 billion dollar climate package announced by Governor Newsom last week failed to address the fossil fuel extraction and production happening in communities across the state. The public health cost of California’s rapidly worsening climate crisis continues and advocates are urging Gov. Newsom to end the permitting of oil extraction.
Californians are witnessing firsthand the “code red” climate emergency that U.N. scientists warned of earlier this summer. Yet, the continued extraction and burning of California oil locks us into climate damage that sets the stage for more historic fires and pollutes the air we breathe every day.
The recall is over. Our climate fight isn’t.
WHAT: Climate Crisis at the Capitol
WHEN: Tuesday, September 28 at 12:00pm PT
WHERE: California State Capitol – North Steps
1100 L St., Sacramento, CA 95814
WHO: Environmental activists, public health advocates, and members of communities impacted by climate disasters. Last Chance Alliance members including:
- Center for Biological Diversity
- Oil and Gas Action Network
- Food & Water Watch
- Fossil Free CA
- Climate Health Now
- Alliance of Nurses for Healthy Environment
- Mothers Out Front
- 350 Sacramento
- March for Science Sacramento
VISUALS: Oil derricks will decorate the Capitol lawn, while vibrant posters signal the demands for an end to new oil and gas drill permits, health advocates available for interviews.
Last Chance Alliance is an alliance of more than 750 public health, environmental justice, climate, and labor organizations united to urge Governor Gavin Newsom to end fossil fuel extraction across California and build a just climate future where every community can thrive.
Media Contact:
Aimee Dewing, aimee@hollywoodunited.org