In the News | Los Angeles Times

Editorial: Huntington Beach shore is covered in oil. This is why the U.S. needs to end coastal drilling

October 3, 2021 – We already know the U.S. needs to wean itself off oil and gas to help the planet avoid the worst impacts of climate change. This spill illustrates that the threat to the coastal environment isn’t just hypothetical and that we need to move much faster to phase out coastal oil drilling. Read More →
TAGS: Environmental Justice, Oil Drilling in California
In the News | Los Angeles Times

What caused the massive oil spill off Huntington Beach? Here is what we know

– People began smelling oil off the Orange County coast on Friday afternoon. By Saturday, an oil slick was visible, with boaters along with dolphins and other marine life moving through it. Then overnight Saturday night and Sunday morning, oil begin to wash onto beaches and marshland along the Huntington Beach coast. Read More →
TAGS: Environmental Justice, Oil Drilling in California
In the News | Los Angeles Times

Huge ecological losses feared as Orange County oil spill hits wetlands, marshes

– “What we’re seeing here is the legacy of our addiction to fossil fuels — this is something that will keep happening unless we switch to clean energy,” said Jacqueline Savitz, chief policy officer for Oceana, a group working to protect the world’s oceans. “No matter how much you clean up a spill, there will always be oil that lingers for years and years.” Read More →
TAGS: Environmental Justice, Oil Drilling in California