Climate and Justice Advocates Call on Gov. Newsom to Immediately Halt Oil & Gas Permitting Amid Flagrant Agency Violations

August 12, 2019 – SACRAMENTO—First uncovered by the Desert Sun, Californians learned today that the state agency responsible for regulating the oil and gas industry, the Division of Oil, Gas and Geothermal Resources (DOGGR) has been using “dummy” files to allow fossil fuel companies to avoid review and continue risky projects without oversight. This news comes one month after Governor Newsom’s office fired DOGGR head Ken Harris for doubling the fracking permits issued during his time as governor without his knowledge and reports of conflict of interest among senior officials.  READ MORE →

Advocates Call For Prioritizing Community Health and Safety as CA Explores Managed Decline of Fossil Fuels

June 28, 2019 – SACRAMENTO—California Governor Gavin Newsom yesterday signed into law a state budget that allocates $1.5 million for “a study to identify strategies to decrease demand and supply of fossil fuels, while managing the decline of fossil fuel use in a way that is economically responsible and sustainable.” An interagency state team, in partnership with the University of California system, will explore managing the decline of in-state production alongside a decrease in demand.  READ MORE →

Governor Newsom’s Budget Revision Highlights Need for “Managed Decline” of Fossil Fuel Supply in California

May 6, 2019 – SACRAMENTO—California Governor Gavin Newsom released his revised 2019-20 budget proposal yesterday, calling for “the need for careful study and planning to decrease demand and supply of fossil fuels, while managing the decline in a way that is economically responsible and sustainable.” (p. 74) The proposal includes $1.5 million for a study laying out the key actions the state must take to transition California’s economy away from fossil fuels by 2050. READ MORE →